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Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Tutorial to Create a Poster Design with Flat Design Style

This time I want to share a tutorial how to create a poster design with flat design style. This is my first time making a poster with flat design style. Flat design is rarely even never use gradient effects or other effects that make objects look "weighted", although sometimes we will see a flat design with shadow like long shadow flat design that is typical of flat icons design. Flat design tends to appear with simplicity, but simple doesn't mean not good. Some designs look better when displayed in a simple. The use of color also tends colors that are not too flashy. I even find a reference color flat on the internet, maybe you can do it too, if needed. The software I use to make the design of this poster is Gimp, a free software that is quite similar to Photoshop.

Okay, to make this poster design we can download the material in here is a collection of buildings images such as houses, buildings, mosques and trees that have been drawn in the flat styles. When we have downloaded follow the steps below.

1. After we open the file material, we copy the background layer.

2. Then change the foreground color to a bright blue color. We will color the background with a bright blue color.

3. Copy background layer so that it appears the new background copy layer and change the color of the background copy in accordance with the foreground color using the bucket fill tool.

4. After that, create a new layer above the background layer copy

5. Change the foreground color to a darker blue color, the color will be used to paint a image that we say "land". I purposely did not paint the land with brown color because it will be blend with the color of the trunk and the house in addition to look matched with the background color. Background that we created earlier is actually also serves as an image of the sky.

6. Use the paintbrush tool to create image "land". Make sure the "land" layer to be located under the building and tree layer, and there is above the background copy layer.

7. At the top of the buildings create a shape in the form of clouds, in by way use the paths tool, and then use the edit path by nodes tool pull a line between the two points to make the arch that resembles the shape of a cloud. Paint it with white.

8. Copy and paste the cloud image until the amount was quite are like the picture above.

9. Create a rectangular shape, then use the paths tool to create the taper shape like the image above. Both of these shapes will be used as the word balloon.

10. When you are finished, adding the phrase "yuk kita ke mesjid", the font I use is "bebasneue" which I think fits with the flat design
Posted by desainzain
Desain Zain Updated at: 01:33


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